This is a list of people that have either submitted code, or otherwise
contributed significantly to the project. List in alphabetical order by
Reinhard Biegel
Pascal Bleser
Gonéri Le Bouder
Scott Brown
Wybren Buijs
Tony Cheneau
Sebastien Couppey
Michael Da Cova
Pablo Daniel Estigarribia Davyt
Bas van den Dikkenberg
Bartosz Fenski
Wade Fitzpatrick
Saint Germain
Jason Haar
Markus Heberling
Xavier Hernandez
Orsiris de Jong
Graham Keeling (main author)
Ruben Kerkhof
Patrick Koppen
Peter Maloney
Sébastien Marchal
Hervé Mose
Andrew Niemantsvedriet
Stefan Paletta
Wai Keong Phan
Michael Roland
Avi Rosen
Maxime Rubino
Benjamin Sans
Patrick Van der Veken
Also, thanks to all those that have provided feedback and testing of any sort.
There are also numerous others who contributed to the original bacula project.
See the bacula AUTHORS file for those names. The main author of bacula is
Kern Sibbald.