LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src/server - extra_comms.c (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 212 216 98.1 %
Date: 2018-08-31 08:21:15 Functions: 9 9 100.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : #include "../burp.h"
       2             : #include "../alloc.h"
       3             : #include "../asfd.h"
       4             : #include "../async.h"
       5             : #include "../cmd.h"
       6             : #include "../conf.h"
       7             : #include "../conffile.h"
       8             : #include "../fsops.h"
       9             : #include "../handy.h"
      10             : #include "../incexc_recv.h"
      11             : #include "../incexc_send.h"
      12             : #include "../iobuf.h"
      13             : #include "../log.h"
      14             : #include "../prepend.h"
      15             : #include "autoupgrade.h"
      16             : #include "extra_comms.h"
      17             : 
      18             : #include <librsync.h>
      19             : 
      20         279 : static int append_to_feat(char **feat, const char *str)
      21             : {
      22         279 :         char *tmp=NULL;
      23         279 :         if(!*feat)
      24             :         {
      25          35 :                 if(!(*feat=strdup_w(str, __func__)))
      26             :                         return -1;
      27          35 :                 return 0;
      28             :         }
      29         244 :         if(!(tmp=prepend(*feat, str)))
      30             :                 return -1;
      31         244 :         free_w(feat);
      32         244 :         *feat=tmp;
      33         244 :         return 0;
      34             : }
      35             : 
      36             : // It is unfortunate that we are having to figure out the server-initiated
      37             : // restore paths here instead of setting it in a struct sdirs.
      38             : // But doing the extra_comms needs to come before setting the sdirs, because
      39             : // extra_comms sets up a bunch of settings that sdirs need to know.
      40          35 : static char *get_restorepath_proto1(struct conf **cconfs)
      41             : {
      42          35 :         char *tmp=NULL;
      43          35 :         char *restorepath=NULL;
      44          35 :         if((tmp=prepend_s(get_string(cconfs[OPT_DIRECTORY]),
      45          35 :                 get_string(cconfs[OPT_CNAME]))))
      46          35 :                         restorepath=prepend_s(tmp, "restore");
      47          35 :         free_w(&tmp);
      48          35 :         return restorepath;
      49             : }
      50             : 
      51          35 : static char *get_restorepath_proto2(struct conf **cconfs)
      52             : {
      53          35 :         char *tmp1=NULL;
      54          35 :         char *tmp2=NULL;
      55          35 :         char *restorepath=NULL;
      56          35 :         if(!(tmp1=prepend_s(get_string(cconfs[OPT_DIRECTORY]),
      57          35 :                 get_string(cconfs[OPT_DEDUP_GROUP]))))
      58             :                         goto error;
      59          35 :         if(!(tmp2=prepend_s(tmp1, "clients")))
      60             :                 goto error;
      61          35 :         free_w(&tmp1);
      62          35 :         if(!(tmp1=prepend_s(tmp2, get_string(cconfs[OPT_CNAME]))))
      63             :                 goto error;
      64          35 :         if(!(restorepath=prepend_s(tmp1, "restore")))
      65             :                 goto error;
      66             :         goto end;
      67             : error:
      68           0 :         free_w(&restorepath);
      69             : end:
      70          35 :         free_w(&tmp1);
      71          35 :         free_w(&tmp2);
      72          35 :         return restorepath;
      73             : }
      74             : 
      75          35 : static int set_restore_path(struct conf **cconfs, char **feat)
      76             : {
      77          35 :         int ret=-1;
      78          35 :         char *restorepath1=NULL;
      79          35 :         char *restorepath2=NULL;
      80          35 :         if(!(restorepath1=get_restorepath_proto1(cconfs))
      81          35 :           || !(restorepath2=get_restorepath_proto2(cconfs)))
      82             :                 goto end;
      83          35 :         if(is_reg_lstat(restorepath1)==1
      84           4 :           && set_string(cconfs[OPT_RESTORE_PATH], restorepath1))
      85             :                 goto end;
      86          35 :         else if(is_reg_lstat(restorepath2)==1
      87           0 :           && set_string(cconfs[OPT_RESTORE_PATH], restorepath2))
      88             :                 goto end;
      89          35 :         if(get_string(cconfs[OPT_RESTORE_PATH])
      90           4 :           && append_to_feat(feat, "srestore:"))
      91             :                 goto end;
      92             :         ret=0;
      93             : end:
      94          35 :         free_w(&restorepath1);
      95          35 :         free_w(&restorepath2);
      96          35 :         return ret;
      97             : }
      98             : 
      99             : struct vers
     100             : {
     101             :         long min;
     102             :         long cli;
     103             :         long ser;
     104             :         long feat_list;
     105             :         long directory_tree;
     106             :         long burp2;
     107             :         long counters_json;
     108             : };
     109             : 
     110          35 : static int send_features(struct asfd *asfd, struct conf **cconfs,
     111             :         struct vers *vers)
     112             : {
     113          35 :         int ret=-1;
     114          35 :         char *feat=NULL;
     115          35 :         enum protocol protocol=get_protocol(cconfs);
     116          35 :         struct strlist *startdir=get_strlist(cconfs[OPT_STARTDIR]);
     117          35 :         struct strlist *incglob=get_strlist(cconfs[OPT_INCGLOB]);
     118             : 
     119          35 :         if(append_to_feat(&feat, "extra_comms_begin ok:")
     120             :                 /* clients can autoupgrade */
     121          35 :           || append_to_feat(&feat, "autoupgrade:")
     122             :                 /* clients can give server incexc conf so that the
     123             :                    server knows better what to do on resume */
     124          35 :           || append_to_feat(&feat, "incexc:")
     125             :                 /* clients can give the server an alternative client
     126             :                    to restore from */
     127          35 :           || append_to_feat(&feat, "orig_client:")
     128             :                 /* clients can tell the server what kind of system they are. */
     129          35 :           || append_to_feat(&feat, "uname:"))
     130             :                 goto end;
     131             : 
     132             :         /* Clients can receive restore initiated from the server. */
     133          35 :         if(set_restore_path(cconfs, &feat))
     134             :                 goto end;
     135             : 
     136             :         /* Clients can receive incexc conf from the server.
     137             :            Only give it as an option if the server has some starting
     138             :            directory configured in the clientconfdir. */
     139          35 :         if((startdir || incglob)
     140           0 :           && append_to_feat(&feat, "sincexc:"))
     141             :                 goto end;
     142             : 
     143          35 :         if(vers->cli>=vers->counters_json)
     144             :         {
     145             :                 /* Clients can be sent cntrs on resume/verify/restore. */
     146          30 :                 if(append_to_feat(&feat, "counters_json:"))
     147             :                         goto end;
     148             :         }
     149             : 
     150             :         // We support CMD_MESSAGE.
     151          35 :         if(append_to_feat(&feat, "msg:"))
     152             :                 goto end;
     153             : 
     154          35 :         if(protocol==PROTO_AUTO)
     155             :         {
     156             :                 /* If the server is configured to use either protocol, let the
     157             :                    client know that it can choose. */
     158          25 :                 logp("Server is using protocol=0 (auto)\n");
     159          25 :                 if(append_to_feat(&feat, "csetproto:"))
     160             :                         goto end;
     161             :         }
     162             :         else
     163             :         {
     164          10 :                 char p[32]="";
     165             :                 /* Tell the client what we are going to use. */
     166          10 :                 logp("Server is using protocol=%d\n", (int)protocol);
     167          10 :                 snprintf(p, sizeof(p), "forceproto=%d:", (int)protocol);
     168          10 :                 if(append_to_feat(&feat, p))
     169             :                         goto end;
     170             :         }
     171             : 
     172             : #ifdef HAVE_BLAKE2
     173             :         if(append_to_feat(&feat, "rshash=blake2:"))
     174             :                 goto end;
     175             : #endif
     176             : 
     177             :         //printf("feat: %s\n", feat);
     178             : 
     179          35 :         if(asfd->write_str(asfd, CMD_GEN, feat))
     180             :         {
     181           1 :                 logp("problem in extra_comms\n");
     182             :                 goto end;
     183             :         }
     184             : 
     185             :         ret=0;
     186             : end:
     187          35 :         free_w(&feat);
     188          35 :         return ret;
     189             : }
     190             : 
     191           2 : static int do_autoupgrade(struct asfd *asfd, struct vers *vers,
     192             :         struct conf **globalcs)
     193             : {
     194           2 :         int ret=-1;
     195           2 :         char *os=NULL;
     196           2 :         struct iobuf *rbuf=asfd->rbuf;
     197           2 :         const char *autoupgrade_dir=get_string(globalcs[OPT_AUTOUPGRADE_DIR]);
     198             : 
     199           2 :         if(!(os=strdup_w(rbuf->buf+strlen("autoupgrade:"), __func__)))
     200             :                 goto end;
     201           2 :         iobuf_free_content(rbuf);
     202           2 :         ret=0;
     203           2 :         if(os && *os)
     204             :         {
     205           1 :                 ret=autoupgrade_server(asfd, vers->ser,
     206             :                         vers->cli, os, get_cntr(globalcs),
     207             :                         autoupgrade_dir);
     208             :         }
     209             : end:
     210           2 :         free_w(&os);
     211           2 :         return ret;
     212             : }
     213             : 
     214          34 : static int extra_comms_read(struct async *as,
     215             :         struct vers *vers, int *srestore,
     216             :         char **incexc, struct conf **globalcs, struct conf **cconfs)
     217             : {
     218          34 :         int ret=-1;
     219             :         struct asfd *asfd;
     220             :         struct iobuf *rbuf;
     221          34 :         asfd=as->asfd;
     222          34 :         rbuf=asfd->rbuf;
     223             : 
     224             :         while(1)
     225             :         {
     226          54 :                 iobuf_free_content(rbuf);
     227          54 :                 if(asfd->read(asfd)) goto end;
     228             : 
     229          54 :                 if(rbuf->cmd!=CMD_GEN)
     230             :                 {
     231           1 :                         iobuf_log_unexpected(rbuf, __func__);
     232             :                         goto end;
     233             :                 }
     234             : 
     235          53 :                 if(!strcmp(rbuf->buf, "extra_comms_end"))
     236             :                 {
     237          24 :                         if(asfd->write_str(asfd, CMD_GEN, "extra_comms_end ok"))
     238             :                                 goto end;
     239             :                         break;
     240             :                 }
     241          29 :                 else if(!strncmp_w(rbuf->buf, "autoupgrade:"))
     242             :                 {
     243           2 :                         if(do_autoupgrade(asfd, vers, globalcs))
     244             :                                 goto end;
     245             :                 }
     246          27 :                 else if(!strcmp(rbuf->buf, "srestore ok"))
     247             :                 {
     248           4 :                         char *restore_path=get_string(cconfs[OPT_RESTORE_PATH]);
     249           4 :                         if(!restore_path)
     250             :                         {
     251           0 :                                 logp("got srestore ok without a restore_path");
     252             :                                 goto end;
     253             :                         }
     254             :                         
     255           4 :                         iobuf_free_content(rbuf);
     256             :                         // Client can accept the restore.
     257             :                         // Load the restore config, then send it.
     258           4 :                         *srestore=1;
     259             :                         // Need to wipe out OPT_INCEXDIR, as it is needed for
     260             :                         // srestore includes. If it is not wiped out, it can
     261             :                         // interfere if cconfs[OPT_RESTORE_PATH] contained no
     262             :                         // includes.
     263           4 :                         set_strlist(cconfs[OPT_INCEXCDIR], NULL);
     264           4 :                         if(conf_parse_incexcs_path(cconfs, restore_path)
     265           4 :                           || incexc_send_server_restore(asfd, cconfs))
     266             :                                 goto end;
     267             :                         // Do not unlink it here - wait until
     268             :                         // the client says that it wants to do the
     269             :                         // restore.
     270             :                         // Also need to leave it around if the
     271             :                         // restore is to an alternative client, so
     272             :                         // that the code below that reloads the config
     273             :                         // can read it again.
     274             :                         // NOTE: that appears to be in
     275             :                         // src/server/run_action.c::client_can_restore()
     276             :                         //unlink(get_string(cconfs[OPT_RESTORE_PATH]));
     277             :                 }
     278          23 :                 else if(!strcmp(rbuf->buf, "srestore not ok"))
     279             :                 {
     280           1 :                         const char *restore_path=get_string(
     281             :                                 cconfs[OPT_RESTORE_PATH]);
     282             :                         // Client will not accept the restore.
     283           1 :                         unlink(restore_path);
     284           1 :                         if(set_string(cconfs[OPT_RESTORE_PATH], NULL))
     285             :                                 goto end;
     286           1 :                         logp("Client not accepting server initiated restore.\n");
     287             :                 }
     288          22 :                 else if(!strcmp(rbuf->buf, "sincexc ok"))
     289             :                 {
     290             :                         // Client can accept incexc conf from the
     291             :                         // server.
     292           1 :                         iobuf_free_content(rbuf);
     293           1 :                         if(incexc_send_server(asfd, cconfs))
     294             :                                 goto end;
     295             :                 }
     296          21 :                 else if(!strcmp(rbuf->buf, "incexc"))
     297             :                 {
     298             :                         // Client is telling server its incexc
     299             :                         // configuration so that it can better decide
     300             :                         // what to do on resume.
     301           1 :                         iobuf_free_content(rbuf);
     302           1 :                         if(incexc_recv_server(asfd, incexc, globalcs))
     303             :                                 goto end;
     304           1 :                         if(*incexc)
     305             :                         {
     306           1 :                                 char *tmp=NULL;
     307           1 :                                 char comp[32]="";
     308           1 :                                 snprintf(comp, sizeof(comp),
     309             :                                         "compression = %d\n",
     310             :                                         get_int(cconfs[OPT_COMPRESSION]));
     311           1 :                                 if(!(tmp=prepend(*incexc, comp)))
     312             :                                         goto end;
     313           1 :                                 free_w(incexc);
     314           1 :                                 *incexc=tmp;
     315             :                         }
     316             :                 }
     317          20 :                 else if(!strcmp(rbuf->buf, "counters_json ok"))
     318             :                 {
     319             :                         // Client can accept counters on
     320             :                         // resume/verify/restore.
     321           1 :                         logp("Client supports being sent json counters.\n");
     322           1 :                         set_int(cconfs[OPT_SEND_CLIENT_CNTR], 1);
     323             :                 }
     324          19 :                 else if(!strncmp_w(rbuf->buf, "uname=")
     325           2 :                   && strlen(rbuf->buf)>strlen("uname="))
     326             :                 {
     327           2 :                         char *uname=rbuf->buf+strlen("uname=");
     328           2 :                         if(!strncasecmp("Windows", uname, strlen("Windows")))
     329           1 :                                 set_int(cconfs[OPT_CLIENT_IS_WINDOWS], 1);
     330             :                 }
     331          17 :                 else if(!strncmp_w(rbuf->buf, "orig_client=")
     332           3 :                   && strlen(rbuf->buf)>strlen("orig_client="))
     333             :                 {
     334           3 :                         if(conf_switch_to_orig_client(globalcs, cconfs,
     335           3 :                                 rbuf->buf+strlen("orig_client=")))
     336             :                                         goto end;
     337             :                         // If this started out as a server-initiated
     338             :                         // restore, need to load the restore file
     339             :                         // again.
     340           2 :                         if(*srestore)
     341             :                         {
     342           1 :                                 if(conf_parse_incexcs_path(cconfs,
     343           1 :                                         get_string(cconfs[OPT_RESTORE_PATH])))
     344             :                                                 goto end;
     345             :                         }
     346           2 :                         if(asfd->write_str(asfd, CMD_GEN, "orig_client ok"))
     347             :                                 goto end;
     348             :                 }
     349          14 :                 else if(!strncmp_w(rbuf->buf, "restore_spool="))
     350             :                 {
     351             :                         // Removed.
     352             :                 }
     353          14 :                 else if(!strncmp_w(rbuf->buf, "protocol="))
     354             :                 {
     355          11 :                         char msg[128]="";
     356             :                         // Client wants to set protocol.
     357             :                         enum protocol protocol;
     358             :                         enum protocol cprotocol;
     359          11 :                         const char *cliproto=NULL;
     360          11 :                         protocol=get_protocol(cconfs);
     361          11 :                         cliproto=rbuf->buf+strlen("protocol=");
     362          11 :                         cprotocol=atoi(cliproto);
     363             : 
     364          11 :                         if(protocol!=PROTO_AUTO)
     365             :                         {
     366           6 :                                 if(protocol==cprotocol)
     367             :                                 {
     368           2 :                                         logp("Client is forcing protocol=%d\n", (int)protocol);
     369           2 :                                         continue;
     370             :                                 }
     371           4 :                                 snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "Client is trying to use protocol=%d but server is set to protocol=%d\n", (int)cprotocol, (int)protocol);
     372           4 :                                 log_and_send(asfd, msg);
     373           5 :                                 goto end;
     374             :                         }
     375           5 :                         else if(cprotocol==PROTO_1)
     376             :                         {
     377           2 :                                 set_protocol(cconfs, cprotocol);
     378           2 :                                 set_protocol(globalcs, cprotocol);
     379             :                         }
     380           3 :                         else if(cprotocol==PROTO_2)
     381             :                         {
     382           2 :                                 set_protocol(cconfs, cprotocol);
     383           2 :                                 set_protocol(globalcs, cprotocol);
     384             :                         }
     385             :                         else
     386             :                         {
     387           1 :                                 snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "Client is trying to use protocol=%s, which is unknown\n", cliproto);
     388           1 :                                 log_and_send(asfd, msg);
     389             :                                 goto end;
     390             :                         }
     391           4 :                         logp("Client has set protocol=%d\n",
     392           4 :                                 (int)get_protocol(cconfs));
     393             :                 }
     394           3 :                 else if(!strncmp_w(rbuf->buf, "rshash=blake2"))
     395             :                 {
     396             : #ifdef HAVE_BLAKE2
     397             :                         set_e_rshash(cconfs[OPT_RSHASH], RSHASH_BLAKE2);
     398             :                         set_e_rshash(globalcs[OPT_RSHASH], RSHASH_BLAKE2);
     399             : #else
     400           1 :                         logp("Client is trying to use librsync hash blake2, but server does not support it.\n");
     401             :                         goto end;
     402             : #endif
     403             :                 }
     404           2 :                 else if(!strncmp_w(rbuf->buf, "msg"))
     405             :                 {
     406           1 :                         set_int(cconfs[OPT_MESSAGE], 1);
     407           1 :                         set_int(globalcs[OPT_MESSAGE], 1);
     408             :                 }
     409             :                 else
     410             :                 {
     411           1 :                         iobuf_log_unexpected(rbuf, __func__);
     412             :                         goto end;
     413             :                 }
     414             :         }
     415             : 
     416          24 :         ret=0;
     417             : end:
     418          34 :         iobuf_free_content(rbuf);
     419          34 :         return ret;
     420             : }
     421             : 
     422          39 : static int vers_init(struct vers *vers, struct conf **cconfs)
     423             : {
     424          39 :         memset(vers, 0, sizeof(struct vers));
     425          39 :         return ((vers->min=version_to_long("1.2.7"))<0
     426          39 :           || (vers->cli=version_to_long(get_string(cconfs[OPT_PEER_VERSION])))<0
     427          39 :           || (vers->ser=version_to_long(PACKAGE_VERSION))<0
     428          39 :           || (vers->feat_list=version_to_long("1.3.0"))<0
     429          39 :           || (vers->directory_tree=version_to_long("1.3.6"))<0
     430          39 :           || (vers->burp2=version_to_long("2.0.0"))<0
     431          78 :           || (vers->counters_json=version_to_long("2.0.46"))<0);
     432             : }
     433             : 
     434          39 : int extra_comms(struct async *as,
     435             :         char **incexc, int *srestore, struct conf **confs, struct conf **cconfs)
     436             : {
     437             :         struct vers vers;
     438             :         struct asfd *asfd;
     439          39 :         asfd=as->asfd;
     440             :         //char *restorepath=NULL;
     441          39 :         const char *peer_version=NULL;
     442             : 
     443          39 :         if(vers_init(&vers, cconfs))
     444             :                 goto error;
     445             : 
     446          39 :         if(vers.cli<vers.directory_tree)
     447             :         {
     448           3 :                 set_int(confs[OPT_DIRECTORY_TREE], 0);
     449           3 :                 set_int(cconfs[OPT_DIRECTORY_TREE], 0);
     450             :         }
     451             : 
     452             :         // Clients before 1.2.7 did not know how to do extra comms, so skip
     453             :         // this section for them.
     454          39 :         if(vers.cli<vers.min)
     455             :                 return 0;
     456             : 
     457          37 :         if(asfd_read_expect(asfd, CMD_GEN, "extra_comms_begin"))
     458             :         {
     459           1 :                 logp("problem reading in extra_comms\n");
     460           1 :                 goto error;
     461             :         }
     462             :         // Want to tell the clients the extra comms features that are
     463             :         // supported, so that new clients are more likely to work with old
     464             :         // servers.
     465          36 :         if(vers.cli==vers.feat_list)
     466             :         {
     467             :                 // 1.3.0 did not support the feature list.
     468           1 :                 if(asfd->write_str(asfd, CMD_GEN, "extra_comms_begin ok"))
     469             :                 {
     470           1 :                         logp("problem writing in extra_comms\n");
     471           1 :                         goto error;
     472             :                 }
     473             :         }
     474             :         else
     475             :         {
     476          35 :                 if(send_features(asfd, cconfs, &vers))
     477             :                         goto error;
     478             :         }
     479             : 
     480          34 :         if(extra_comms_read(as, &vers, srestore, incexc, confs, cconfs))
     481             :                 goto error;
     482             : 
     483          24 :         peer_version=get_string(cconfs[OPT_PEER_VERSION]);
     484             : 
     485             :         // This needs to come after extra_comms_read, as the client might
     486             :         // have set PROTO_1 or PROTO_2.
     487          24 :         switch(get_protocol(cconfs))
     488             :         {
     489             :                 case PROTO_AUTO:
     490             :                         // The protocol has not been specified. Make a choice.
     491          14 :                         if(vers.cli<vers.burp2)
     492             :                         {
     493             :                                 // Client is burp-1.x.x, use protocol1.
     494           1 :                                 set_protocol(confs, PROTO_1);
     495           1 :                                 set_protocol(cconfs, PROTO_1);
     496           1 :                                 logp("Client is %s-%s - using protocol=%d\n",
     497             :                                         PACKAGE_TARNAME,
     498             :                                         peer_version, PROTO_1);
     499             :                         }
     500             :                         else
     501             :                         {
     502             :                                 // Client is burp-2.x.x, use protocol2.
     503             :                                 // This will probably never be reached because
     504             :                                 // the negotiation will take care of it.
     505             :                                 /*
     506             :                                 set_protocol(confs, PROTO_2);
     507             :                                 set_protocol(cconfs, PROTO_2);
     508             :                                 logp("Client is %s-%s - using protocol=%d\n",
     509             :                                         PACKAGE_TARNAME,
     510             :                                         peer_version, PROTO_2);
     511             :                                 */
     512             :                                 // PROTO_1 is safer for now.
     513          13 :                                 set_protocol(confs, PROTO_1);
     514          13 :                                 set_protocol(cconfs, PROTO_1);
     515          13 :                                 logp("Client is %s-%s - using protocol=%d\n",
     516             :                                         PACKAGE_TARNAME,
     517             :                                         peer_version, PROTO_1);
     518             :                         }
     519             :                         break;
     520             :                 case PROTO_1:
     521             :                         // It is OK for the client to be burp1 and for the
     522             :                         // server to be forced to protocol1.
     523             :                         break;
     524             :                 case PROTO_2:
     525           5 :                         if(vers.cli>=vers.burp2)
     526             :                                 break;
     527           2 :                         logp("protocol=%d is set server side, "
     528             :                           "but client is %s version %s\n",
     529             :                           PROTO_2, PACKAGE_TARNAME, peer_version);
     530           2 :                         goto error;
     531             :         }
     532             : 
     533          22 :         if(get_protocol(cconfs)==PROTO_1)
     534             :         {
     535          19 :                 if(get_e_rshash(cconfs[OPT_RSHASH])==RSHASH_UNSET)
     536             :                 {
     537          19 :                         set_e_rshash(confs[OPT_RSHASH], RSHASH_MD4);
     538          19 :                         set_e_rshash(cconfs[OPT_RSHASH], RSHASH_MD4);
     539             :                 }
     540             :         }
     541             : 
     542             :         return 0;
     543             : error:
     544             :         return -1;
     545             : }

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