LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src/server/protocol1 - restore.c (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 116 168 69.0 %
Date: 2022-05-01 01:22:11 Functions: 5 7 71.4 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : #include "../../burp.h"
       2             : #include "../../alloc.h"
       3             : #include "../../asfd.h"
       4             : #include "../../async.h"
       5             : #include "../../bu.h"
       6             : #include "../../cmd.h"
       7             : #include "../../cntr.h"
       8             : #include "../../handy.h"
       9             : #include "../../hexmap.h"
      10             : #include "../../log.h"
      11             : #include "../../prepend.h"
      12             : #include "../../protocol1/handy.h"
      13             : #include "../../server/protocol1/backup_phase4.h"
      14             : #include "../../server/protocol1/link.h"
      15             : #include "../../server/protocol1/zlibio.h"
      16             : #include "../../sbuf.h"
      17             : #include "../../slist.h"
      18             : #include "../sdirs.h"
      19             : #include "dpth.h"
      20             : #include "restore.h"
      21             : 
      22             : #include <librsync.h>
      23             : 
      24           0 : static int create_zero_length_file(const char *path)
      25             : {
      26           0 :         int ret=0;
      27             :         struct fzp *dest;
      28           0 :         if(!(dest=fzp_open(path, "wb")))
      29           0 :                 ret=-1;
      30           0 :         ret|=fzp_close(&dest);
      31           0 :         return ret;
      32             : }
      33             : 
      34           0 : static int inflate_or_link_oldfile(struct asfd *asfd, const char *oldpath,
      35             :         const char *infpath, struct conf **cconfs, int compression)
      36             : {
      37           0 :         int ret=0;
      38             :         struct stat statp;
      39             : 
      40           0 :         if(lstat(oldpath, &statp))
      41             :         {
      42           0 :                 logp("could not lstat %s\n", oldpath);
      43           0 :                 return -1;
      44             :         }
      45             : 
      46           0 :         if(dpth_protocol1_is_compressed(compression, oldpath))
      47             :         {
      48             :                 //logp("inflating...\n");
      49             : 
      50           0 :                 if(!statp.st_size)
      51             :                 {
      52             :                         // Empty file - cannot inflate.
      53           0 :                         logp("asked to inflate zero length file: %s\n",
      54             :                                 oldpath);
      55           0 :                         return create_zero_length_file(infpath);
      56             :                 }
      57             : 
      58           0 :                 if((ret=zlib_inflate(asfd, oldpath, infpath, get_cntr(cconfs))))
      59           0 :                         logp("zlib_inflate returned: %d\n", ret);
      60             :         }
      61             :         else
      62             :         {
      63             :                 // Not compressed - just hard link it.
      64           0 :                 if(do_link(oldpath, infpath, &statp, cconfs,
      65             :                         1 /* allow overwrite of infpath */))
      66             :                                 return -1;
      67             :         }
      68             :         return ret;
      69             : }
      70             : 
      71           4 : static int do_send_file(struct asfd *asfd, struct sbuf *sb,
      72             :         int patches, const char *best, struct cntr *cntr)
      73             : {
      74           4 :         enum send_e ret=SEND_FATAL;
      75             :         struct BFILE bfd;
      76           4 :         uint64_t bytes=0; // Unused.
      77             : 
      78           4 :         bfile_init(&bfd, 0, cntr);
      79           4 :         if(bfd.open_for_send(&bfd, asfd, best, sb->winattr,
      80             :                 1 /* no O_NOATIME */, cntr))
      81             :                         return SEND_FATAL;
      82           4 :         if(asfd->write(asfd, &sb->path))
      83             :                 ret=SEND_FATAL;
      84           4 :         else if(patches)
      85             :         {
      86             :                 // If we did some patches, the resulting file
      87             :                 // is not gzipped. Gzip it during the send.
      88           0 :                 ret=send_whole_file_gzl(
      89             :                         asfd,
      90           0 :                         sb->protocol1->datapth.buf,
      91             :                         /*quick_read*/1,
      92             :                         &bytes,
      93             :                         /*encpassword*/NULL,
      94             :                         cntr,
      95             :                         /*compression*/9,
      96             :                         &bfd,
      97             :                         /*extrameta*/NULL,
      98             :                         /*elen*/0,
      99             :                         /*key_deriv*/ENCRYPTION_UNSET,
     100             :                         /*salt*/0
     101             :                 );
     102             :         }
     103             :         else
     104             :         {
     105             :                 // If it was encrypted, it may or may not have been compressed
     106             :                 // before encryption. Send it as it as, and let the client
     107             :                 // sort it out.
     108           4 :                 if(sbuf_is_encrypted(sb))
     109             :                 {
     110           2 :                         ret=send_whole_filel(asfd,
     111             : #ifdef HAVE_WIN32
     112             :                                 sb->path.cmd
     113             : #endif
     114           2 :                                 sb->protocol1->datapth.buf,
     115             :                                 1, &bytes, cntr, &bfd, NULL, 0);
     116             :                 }
     117             :                 // It might have been stored uncompressed. Gzip it during
     118             :                 // the send. If the client knew what kind of file it would be
     119             :                 // receiving, this step could disappear.
     120           2 :                 else if(!dpth_protocol1_is_compressed(sb->compression,
     121           2 :                         sb->protocol1->datapth.buf))
     122             :                 {
     123           2 :                         ret=send_whole_file_gzl(
     124             :                                 asfd,
     125           2 :                                 sb->protocol1->datapth.buf,
     126             :                                 /*quick_read*/1,
     127             :                                 &bytes,
     128             :                                 /*encpassword*/NULL,
     129             :                                 cntr,
     130             :                                 /*compression*/9,
     131             :                                 &bfd,
     132             :                                 /*extrameta*/NULL,
     133             :                                 /*elen*/0,
     134             :                                 /*key_deriv*/ENCRYPTION_UNSET,
     135             :                                 /*salt*/0
     136             :                         );
     137             :                 }
     138             :                 else
     139             :                 {
     140             :                         // If we did not do some patches, the resulting
     141             :                         // file might already be gzipped. Send it as it is.
     142           0 :                         ret=send_whole_filel(asfd,
     143             : #ifdef HAVE_WIN32
     144             :                                 sb->path.cmd
     145             : #endif
     146           0 :                                 sb->protocol1->datapth.buf,
     147             :                                 1, &bytes, cntr, &bfd, NULL, 0);
     148             :                 }
     149             :         }
     150           4 :         bfd.close(&bfd, asfd);
     151             : 
     152           4 :         switch(ret)
     153             :         {
     154             :                 case SEND_OK:
     155             :                 case SEND_ERROR: // Carry on.
     156             :                         return 0;
     157             :                 case SEND_FATAL:
     158             :                 default:
     159           0 :                         return -1;
     160             :         }
     161             : }
     162             : 
     163             : #ifndef UTEST
     164             : static
     165             : #endif
     166           5 : int verify_file(struct asfd *asfd, struct sbuf *sb,
     167             :         int patches, const char *best, struct cntr *cntr)
     168             : {
     169             :         MD5_CTX md5;
     170           5 :         int b=0;
     171           5 :         const char *cp=NULL;
     172           5 :         const char *newsum=NULL;
     173             :         uint8_t in[ZCHUNK];
     174             :         uint8_t checksum[MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH];
     175           5 :         uint64_t cbytes=0;
     176           5 :         struct fzp *fzp=NULL;
     177             : 
     178           5 :         if(!sb->endfile.buf
     179           5 :           || !(cp=strrchr(sb->endfile.buf, ':')))
     180             :         {
     181           1 :                 logw(asfd, cntr,
     182             :                         "%s has no md5sum!\n",
     183           1 :                         iobuf_to_printable(&sb->protocol1->datapth));
     184           1 :                 return 0;
     185             :         }
     186           4 :         cp++;
     187           4 :         if(!MD5_Init(&md5))
     188             :         {
     189           0 :                 logp("MD5_Init() failed\n");
     190           0 :                 return -1;
     191             :         }
     192           4 :         if(patches
     193           4 :           || sb->path.cmd==CMD_ENC_FILE
     194           4 :           || sb->path.cmd==CMD_ENC_METADATA
     195           4 :           || sb->path.cmd==CMD_EFS_FILE
     196           4 :           || sb->path.cmd==CMD_ENC_VSS
     197           4 :           || sb->path.cmd==CMD_ENC_VSS_T
     198           4 :           || (!patches && !dpth_protocol1_is_compressed(sb->compression, best)))
     199           2 :                 fzp=fzp_open(best, "rb");
     200             :         else
     201           2 :                 fzp=fzp_gzopen(best, "rb");
     202             : 
     203           4 :         if(!fzp)
     204             :         {
     205           1 :                 logw(asfd, cntr, "could not open %s\n", best);
     206           1 :                 return 0;
     207             :         }
     208           5 :         while((b=fzp_read(fzp, in, ZCHUNK))>0)
     209             :         {
     210           2 :                 cbytes+=b;
     211           2 :                 if(!MD5_Update(&md5, in, b))
     212             :                 {
     213           0 :                         logp("MD5_Update() failed\n");
     214           0 :                         fzp_close(&fzp);
     215           0 :                         return -1;
     216             :                 }
     217             :         }
     218           3 :         if(!fzp_eof(fzp))
     219             :         {
     220           1 :                 logw(asfd, cntr, "error while reading %s\n", best);
     221           1 :                 fzp_close(&fzp);
     222           1 :                 return 0;
     223             :         }
     224           2 :         fzp_close(&fzp);
     225           2 :         if(!MD5_Final(checksum, &md5))
     226             :         {
     227           0 :                 logp("MD5_Final() failed\n");
     228           0 :                 return -1;
     229             :         }
     230           2 :         newsum=bytes_to_md5str(checksum);
     231             : 
     232           2 :         if(strcmp(newsum, cp))
     233             :         {
     234           1 :                 logp("%s %s\n", newsum, cp);
     235           1 :                 logw(asfd, cntr, "md5sum for '%s (%s)' did not match!\n",
     236             :                         iobuf_to_printable(&sb->path),
     237           1 :                         iobuf_to_printable(&sb->protocol1->datapth));
     238           1 :                 logp("md5sum for '%s (%s)' did not match!\n",
     239             :                         iobuf_to_printable(&sb->path),
     240           1 :                         iobuf_to_printable(&sb->protocol1->datapth));
     241           1 :                 return 0;
     242             :         }
     243             : 
     244             :         // Just send the file name to the client, so that it can show cntr.
     245           1 :         if(asfd->write(asfd, &sb->path)) return -1;
     246           1 :         return 0;
     247             : }
     248             : 
     249           4 : static int process_data_dir_file(struct asfd *asfd,
     250             :         struct bu *bu, struct bu *b, const char *path,
     251             :         struct sbuf *sb, enum action act, struct sdirs *sdirs,
     252             :         struct conf **cconfs)
     253             : {
     254           4 :         int ret=-1;
     255           4 :         int patches=0;
     256           4 :         char *dpath=NULL;
     257             :         struct stat dstatp;
     258           4 :         const char *tmp=NULL;
     259           4 :         const char *best=NULL;
     260             :         static char *tmppath1=NULL;
     261             :         static char *tmppath2=NULL;
     262           4 :         struct cntr *cntr=NULL;
     263           4 :         if(cconfs) cntr=get_cntr(cconfs);
     264             : 
     265           4 :         if((!tmppath1 && !(tmppath1=prepend_s(bu->path, "tmp1")))
     266           4 :           || (!tmppath2 && !(tmppath2=prepend_s(bu->path, "tmp2"))))
     267             :                 goto end;
     268             : 
     269           4 :         best=path;
     270           4 :         tmp=tmppath1;
     271             :         // Now go down the list, applying any deltas.
     272           4 :         for(b=b->prev; b && b->next!=bu; b=b->prev)
     273             :         {
     274           0 :                 free_w(&dpath);
     275           0 :                 if(!(dpath=prepend_s(b->delta, sb->protocol1->datapth.buf)))
     276             :                         goto end;
     277             : 
     278           0 :                 if(lstat(dpath, &dstatp) || !S_ISREG(dstatp.st_mode))
     279           0 :                         continue;
     280             : 
     281           0 :                 if(!patches)
     282             :                 {
     283             :                         // Need to gunzip the first one.
     284           0 :                         if(inflate_or_link_oldfile(asfd, best, tmp,
     285             :                                 cconfs, sb->compression))
     286             :                         {
     287           0 :                                 logw(asfd, cntr,
     288             :                                   "problem when inflating %s\n", best);
     289           0 :                                 ret=0;
     290             :                                 goto end;
     291             :                         }
     292           0 :                         best=tmp;
     293           0 :                         if(tmp==tmppath1) tmp=tmppath2;
     294             :                         else tmp=tmppath1;
     295             :                 }
     296             : 
     297           0 :                 if(do_patch(best, dpath, tmp,
     298             :                         0 /* do not gzip the result */,
     299             :                         sb->compression /* from the manifest */))
     300             :                 {
     301           0 :                         logw(asfd, cntr, "problem when patching %s with %s\n", path, b->timestamp);
     302           0 :                         ret=0;
     303             :                         goto end;
     304             :                 }
     305             : 
     306           0 :                 best=tmp;
     307           0 :                 if(tmp==tmppath1) tmp=tmppath2;
     308             :                 else tmp=tmppath1;
     309           0 :                 unlink(tmp);
     310           0 :                 patches++;
     311             :         }
     312             : 
     313           4 :         switch(act)
     314             :         {
     315             :                 case ACTION_RESTORE:
     316           4 :                         if(do_send_file(asfd, sb, patches, best, cntr))
     317             :                                 goto end;
     318             :                         break;
     319             :                 case ACTION_VERIFY:
     320           0 :                         if(verify_file(asfd, sb, patches, best, cntr))
     321             :                                 goto end;
     322             :                         break;
     323             :                 default:
     324           0 :                         logp("Unknown action: %d\n", act);
     325             :                         goto end;
     326             :         }
     327           4 :         cntr_add(cntr, sb->path.cmd, 0);
     328           4 :         cntr_add_bytes(cntr, strtoull(sb->endfile.buf, NULL, 10));
     329             : 
     330           4 :         ret=0;
     331             : end:
     332           4 :         free_w(&dpath);
     333           4 :         if(tmppath1) unlink(tmppath1);
     334           4 :         if(tmppath2) unlink(tmppath2);
     335           4 :         free_w(&tmppath1);
     336           4 :         free_w(&tmppath2);
     337           4 :         return ret;
     338             : }
     339             : 
     340             : // a = length of struct bu array
     341             : // i = position to restore from
     342             : #ifndef UTEST
     343             : static
     344             : #endif
     345           5 : int restore_file(struct asfd *asfd, struct bu *bu,
     346             :         struct sbuf *sb, enum action act,
     347             :         struct sdirs *sdirs, struct conf **cconfs)
     348             : {
     349           5 :         int ret=-1;
     350           5 :         char *path=NULL;
     351             :         struct bu *b;
     352           5 :         struct bu *hlwarn=NULL;
     353             :         struct stat statp;
     354           5 :         struct cntr *cntr=NULL;
     355           5 :         if(cconfs) cntr=get_cntr(cconfs);
     356             : 
     357             :         // Go up the array until we find the file in the data directory.
     358          10 :         for(b=bu; b; b=b->next)
     359             :         {
     360           4 :                 free_w(&path);
     361           4 :                 if(!(path=prepend_s(b->data, sb->protocol1->datapth.buf)))
     362             :                         goto end;
     363             : 
     364           8 :                 if(lstat(path, &statp) || !S_ISREG(statp.st_mode))
     365           0 :                         continue;
     366             : 
     367           4 :                 if(b!=bu && (bu->flags & BU_HARDLINKED)) hlwarn=b;
     368             : 
     369           4 :                 if(process_data_dir_file(asfd, bu, b,
     370             :                         path, sb, act, sdirs, cconfs))
     371             :                                 goto end;
     372             : 
     373             :                 // This warning must be done after everything else,
     374             :                 // Because the client does not expect another cmd after
     375             :                 // the warning.
     376           4 :                 if(hlwarn) logw(asfd, cntr, "restore found %s in %s\n",
     377             :                         iobuf_to_printable(&sb->path),
     378             :                         hlwarn->basename);
     379             :                 ret=0; // All OK.
     380             :                 break;
     381             :         }
     382             : 
     383           5 :         if(!b)
     384             :         {
     385           1 :                 logw(asfd, cntr, "restore could not find %s (%s)\n",
     386             :                         iobuf_to_printable(&sb->path),
     387           1 :                         iobuf_to_printable(&sb->protocol1->datapth));
     388           1 :                 ret=0; // Carry on to subsequent files.
     389             :         }
     390             : end:
     391           5 :         free_w(&path);
     392           5 :         return ret;
     393             : }
     394             : 
     395          10 : int restore_sbuf_protocol1(struct asfd *asfd, struct sbuf *sb, struct bu *bu,
     396             :         enum action act, struct sdirs *sdirs, struct conf **cconfs)
     397             : {
     398          10 :         if((sb->protocol1->datapth.buf
     399           4 :                 && asfd->write(asfd, &(sb->protocol1->datapth)))
     400          10 :           || asfd->write(asfd, &sb->attr))
     401             :                 return -1;
     402          10 :         else if(sbuf_is_filedata(sb)
     403           6 :           || sbuf_is_vssdata(sb))
     404             :         {
     405           4 :                 if(!sb->protocol1->datapth.buf)
     406             :                 {
     407           0 :                         logw(asfd, get_cntr(cconfs),
     408             :                                 "Got filedata entry with no datapth: %s\n",
     409             :                                         iobuf_to_printable(&sb->path));
     410           0 :                         return 0;
     411             :                 }
     412           4 :                 return restore_file(asfd, bu, sb, act, sdirs, cconfs);
     413             :         }
     414             :         else
     415             :         {
     416           6 :                 if(asfd->write(asfd, &sb->path))
     417             :                         return -1;
     418             :                 // If it is a link, send what
     419             :                 // it points to.
     420           6 :                 else if(sbuf_is_link(sb)
     421           4 :                   && asfd->write(asfd, &sb->link)) return -1;
     422           6 :                 cntr_add(get_cntr(cconfs), sb->path.cmd, 0);
     423             :         }
     424           6 :         return 0;
     425             : }

Generated by: LCOV version 1.13