BURP - BackUp and Restore Program



Here are some examples of how you might like to think about restoring. Some
extraneous output has been snipped, for clarity.

On the client side, list your available backups:

$ burp -a l
Backup: 0000001 2018-01-26 10:47:26 +0000 (deletable)
Backup: 0000002 2018-01-26 10:48:13 +0000
Backup: 0000003 2018-01-27 01:30:42 +0000
Backup: 0000004 2018-01-27 01:30:55 +0000

There are four backups available. Let's look at the contents of backup 3:

$ burp -a l -b 3
Backup: 0000003 2018-01-27 01:30:42 +0000
/home/graham/testdir/mydir1/Invoice INV-8453.pdf
/home/graham/testdir/mydir1/On The Run 2017-05-13.mp3
/home/graham/testdir/mydir1/On the run 2016-11-26.mp3
/home/graham/testdir/mydir1/Red Pill 2016-11-26.mp3

To restore everything to their original location, simply change the 'l' in the
previous command to an 'r'. For me, this produces a lot of warnings because
the original files still exist in their original locations. '-d' is also
required, because you need to tell burp the target directory for the restore:

$ burp -a r -b 3 -d /
2018-01-27 01:33:25 +0000: burp[5917] WARNING: Path exists: /home/graham/testdir/mydir1/B17689730947800001.pdf
2018-01-27 01:33:25 +0000: burp[5917] WARNING: Path exists: /home/graham/testdir/mydir1/Invoice INV-8453.pdf

Instead, I can add '-f' to force overwriting any existing files, and I no
longer get any warnings:

$ burp -a r -b 3 -d / -f

OK, so maybe you want to restore the files to a different location. Just add
your path to the '-d' option. Burp will create the directory if it doesn't

$ burp -a r -b 3 -d /tmp/restore

After running the above, and looking in /tmp/restore, you will find that the
whole original directory structure is preserved. For example:

$ ls -l /tmp/restore/home/graham/testdir/mydir1/cswdcd07.mp3
-rw-r--r-- 1 graham graham 36402567 Jan 18 11:05 /tmp/restore/home/graham/testdir/mydir1/cswdcd07.mp3

So, maybe you want to strip off some of the original leading directories with
the '-s' option. We will strip off '/home/graham/':

$ burp -a r -b 3 -d /tmp/restore -s 3
$ ls -l /tmp/restore/testdir/mydir1/cswdcd07.mp3
-rw-r--r-- 1 graham graham 36402567 Jan 18 11:05 /tmp/restore/testdir/mydir1/cswdcd07.mp3

Now, perhaps you want to restore only the things in 'mydir2'. You can use a
regular expression to match the paths that you want. I recommend doing a list
first, to see that your expression works as expected:

$ burp -a l -b 3 -r mydir2
Backup: 0000003 2018-01-27 01:30:42 +0000
With regex: mydir2

That looks fine to me, so just change the 'l' to an 'r' and add the target
$ burp -a r -b 3 -r mydir2 -d /

Of course, that will restore to the original location again, so you can adjust
the '-d' option and add the '-s' option again if you like:
$ burp -a r -b 3 -r mydir2 -d /tmp/restore -s 3

What if you just wanted to restore a single file?
Well, just use a regular expression that matches your single file.

$ burp -a l -b 3 -r /home/graham/testdir/mydir2/1195.pdf -d /
$ burp -a r -b 3 -r /home/graham/testdir/mydir2/1195.pdf -d /

Since I only have one path that contains 1195.pdf, I could have used a much
shorter regular expression. For example:

$ burp -a l -b 3 -r 1195.pdf -d /
$ burp -a r -b 3 -r 1195.pdf -d /

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Burp is open and free software. I work on it in my spare time. If you would like this work to continue, please consider making a small donation.

Burp, don't suck. Last updated: March 2024
By Graham Keeling